Thursday, June 14, 2012

First Half - 2012!

Here I am, in a Starbucks corner; trying to contain all the thoughts roaming my mind and thinking which one to put into writing. Then, a major thought emerged! OMG, it's mid-2012 already! This complicated things and lead my brain into thinking more thoughts, hah!

Those thoughts revolve around things that took place in the past six months, the present, and of course the future wouldn't want to be left out.

The Past Six Months. I'm the type of person who choose to focus more on the good side of things rather than the bad. However, I sure don't simply forget the bad ones because I use them as objects for lessons learned. Basically the bad stuff are normally composed of the negative emotion existence. Imma say that these include loneliness, anger, little bit of bitterness, self-pity, maybe envy, and the worst is hopelessness (or the list could go on and on). The enemy is just clever enough to make use of these feelings to turn me down maybe even to bury me 6 feet below the ground hypothetically. Too bad, I have Someone deep inside my heart and mind Who is omnipotent and much loving, even the most cleverest One (Yep, I'm exaggerating superlatives :P).  I consciously and wholeheartedly make myself be anchored by this One, hence, I'm still existing above the ground literally and figuratively. :)

It is said that there's always the 2sides of a coin. The good things happened for the past six months? I'd say more than enough to bury those bad stuff. I've maintained relationship with good friends around (don't want to mention who's who). I got to spend time with whom I consider family here in Penang (I have a father and brother here you know....) with all those fine dining kind of dinner and cooking of daddy Ron - priceless. I've made new friends when I joined ERT, had the chance to go camping in Gunung Jerai and that was kind of a little adventure thingy. My good friend Julie got married. It was fun to be a part of her "chee muis" and to witness one ultimate thing I have hoped for happening to someone close to me. I've read that you should be happy when things you want to experience yourself at least happened to other people, how much more to someone you know. The opportunity to dance for God in PISA was like a stardom and hyper during the Revo Night! I've cherished each moment with everyone who joined the group in dancing, from little girls to big girls, or should I say grown ups! The highlight of the good is that, I managed to spend quality time with my family back in the Philippines. We went to Davao City (southern Philippines) to celebrate my mama's birthday. The sight of all of them enjoying the splash and waves of the beach, the sumptuous feasty meals, the billiard bonding sessions, and the cuddling, tickling each other, camwhoring stuff - ah! more than priceless, classic vintage!

The Future. Uhm, a lot of things I thought or I plan to do. But, oh well, I have to organize my thoughts and analyse these things first and I need to make sure to surrender all of them upon God. I need God's wisdom and guidance that I need to ask for discernment on what things I should really do and focus on.

The Now. Now? Hmmm... I just wanna say I'm enjoying it... Enjoying in a kinda responsible way I should say, if you know what I mean. I'm reminding myself, the now is a gift since it's present.

Charged to the second half of 2012! Bring it on!