Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Level of commitment? (Sakae-Sushi excerpts)

Okay, so I've been wanting to blog about the above for quite some time already (as usual) ...but just as what I've always been saying, no mood or rather no triggering factor! Finally, I've experienced something recently that made me sit down and write on this one! I guess I should not let the "triggerred-me-to-write" mood pass by, else this will just vanish and end up to nothing! You're asking what was the factor or rather I should say "what were the factors"? Oh well, first it was having such opportunity to have lunch in Sakae-Sushi (in KLCC) with the person who gave the statement I have well taken note about the above (long time ago already)... and guess what? In a Sakae-sushi resto as well, here in Penang! :P The other one would be the liners I've managed to highlight using my marker in the book I'm currently reading (and hopefully ill finish soon!) entitled "Joyfully Single" by Harold Sala, while waiting in Starbucks near Aquaria and having cupssss of coffee. lol.

"The level of commitment of one is not as much with the other that's why majority end up in break-ups or end up being single instead, also some are afraid of commitments so..." - I believe this was roughly the statement a good friend blurted out during that "dinner" with another friend in Sakae-Sushie in Queensbay. Please pardon me as this has happened a looong time ago already and as far as my memory is concerned that's the statement :P I can still clearly recall how I nodded agreeing to what he has said, which practically makes sense right? Offline - I checked myself how committed I am to a certain thing especially in a relationship. Not that I'm lifting my own bench but I am committed :P I began recalling my "good ol' days" when I had a long distance relationship once. I was still studying that time and because I'm attached, I never dated other guys and even allowed some invitations by a guy to go out. There was even a time that one girlfriend of mine told me that I can actually do whatever I want to do, maybe play around and the likes...since my boyfriend is in the US. I just told her "no way girl, I'm not like you :P"

Now for the liners (or quotes or whatever! :P) I've highlighted in the mentioned book, check these stuffs out (disclaimer: might be long but it's worth reading!). These are the lines I liked in the book:

*..Accdg to dictionary, commitment is the act of giving or putting something in the trust of another. In the broader sense, it is the act of pledging or binding yourself to a certin course of action or to a person as the case may be."

*Commitment is the decision to go forward in a relationship, to hang in there when the going gets tough, to take one more step when you are convinced all strength is gone. Commitment is the decision to stand by someone no matter what the temperature of a relationship may be or the force of the wind that blows against it.

*Commitment is at the foundation of all human relationships.......To be a human is to long for commitment from others.

*Commitment goes far beyond relationships. (here's what I really like...) No cause, no endeavor, no goal can really be attained without commitment.

*(and this one is the best)... In giving something through commitment, however, you GAIN far more than you give up!.

Pretty heavy liners huh?! Do the above make sense to you because for me - yes they do. Sounds scary?! Be afraid NOT! :) Especially reading the last liner again - looks like it's saying there's an ROI when you commit yourself :)

I dug my "quotes" collection from my archives and found this: "A decision is made with the brain. A commitment is made with the heart. Therefore, a commitment is much deeper and more binding than a decision."

Well... you just need to do it by putting your heart in it :)

Oh btw, I enjoyed both dinner and lunch Sakae-Sushi events!



Caroline said...

"Commitment is the decision to go forward in a relationship, to hang in there when the going gets tough, to take one more step when you are convinced all strength is gone. Commitment is the decision to stand by someone no matter what the temperature of a relationship may be or the force of the wind that blows against it." Totally agree with this quote. Love it!

Andrew Khoo said...

Lol.....yup heavy liners but fundamental truths.....

Anonymous said...

reminds me of the movie forces of nature... commitment. pretty scary word, pretty heavy stuff. :P -- Anonymously Len