Monday, October 6, 2008

NepaL - here I come again!

It tickLed my heart when my housemate, Norlyn handed me over a travel kit she bought that consist of the travel pillow and eyes shade w/ ear plugs, whiLe I was packing my stuffs. I'm touched by her gesture eventhough the moment she gave me the things she went straight to her room..I was puzzLed! lol. Anyways....yeah, so I'm going to Nepal once again on a mission trip and yet I am still more than excited =) It's amazing that just like the previous one, excitement isn't really that explicit huh! Hmm.. i really wonder why :)

While packing, I've recalled I received a few offers of ride to the airport - too bad they were all too late as I was able to have enough boldness to ask Shirley already! lol... aLong the way, I've received some MSN message from Tze Han about the ride again.... and some text messages from Angeline, Julie, and Terry separately. I replied to each one of them accordingly. Pstr. Mei dropped by to pass things for Susan and I was gLad to have hugged EiLeen and waved "hi" to granny...then off they drove away.

I had a great KFC toaster twister dinner but I'd say, I sincerely appreciate all of them. Thanks everyone! *winks*....hugz!

NepaL as it is, marks a very special spot within the inner me. My very first trip to Nepal opened a door of lotsa opportunities and mind you, those are good and bad, a combined taste of sweet, spicy, sour and bitter :p

Nepal was the key for me to reach my highest peak of happiness (thus far... but i strongly believe that there'll be higher than "highest" to come! :P) .. Ironically it was also the major gravity that pulled me down six feet below the ground (can you imagine? lolz). Above all, things concerning Nepal made me stronger and that is because my faith in God, after a very tough time of testing, has become more than stronger ever! Made me notice weLL a few personals along the way too :)

BlessedLy, those hard times are already over - praise God, big time!

As I look forward on the vitaL and nobLe things we are going to do in Nepal, I am sincereLy gratefuL of the overfLowing LOVE that the Lord Jesus Christ is giving me... through every single individuaL around me, around far afar from me (and should I say around Facebook? LOL :P). I pray that truLy this overfLowing love will be poured out afresh to the people of Nepal and to whoever divine appointment that will come along our way.

As I go to NepaL once again, I have 2 major things in mind and in heart apart from reaLLy sharing the love of Christ to the people there.

First is to officiaLLy and formaLLy close that specific book chapter in my Life forgetting ultimately and primarily the not so good part of it...specificaLLy that particuLar door of hurts and pains, which trapped me before....(this is like for formality sake, lol)... and this one goes out to you whom God has used for me to be able to anchor and trust in Him more than ever...i'd say.. with all due sincerity, thank you so much for seeing me the way I wanted a person to see me. I pray that God will bring forth someone speciaL to you (hopefully more special than me ya? :P) who wiLL admire you and love you just the way you are, just the way I did.

The second one is to enthusiasticaLLy and fuLLy open a new episode of me, a significant beginning of what Life has to offer me more and should I say.... a hopefuL and exciting start-up of what is reaLLy God's great pLan for my entity. A window shaLL be opened...with a more fuLL bLown capabiLity of loving someone unconditionaLLy.... becoming the innermost strength of that somebody apart from the Lord God Almighty (ofcourse :P)... can't wait for my heart to meet and see through that someone's heart completeLy! My nobLe star's heart - from one corner of my worLd.

NepaL - here I come, again! *giggLes*

P. S. Check out my first Nepal Trip archive:

*peace out*

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