Monday, August 10, 2009

Mad Lion!

There's a verse in the bible that says: in anger, do not sin! And another one, don't let the sun set and go down without getting rid of this kind of emotion!

My self-control is being harnessed.

Yeah, I can say I feel mad (or perhaps irritated to make it a little bit shallow!).

I just need an outlet to be able to let this one go quickly!!!! Oh well, the sun has set, but I guess I still have a few minutes to utilize before it formally comes to what we call "evening". I aint don't wanna sleep with it, ewww!

My known character of being jealous is being tested. Heck, I don't even have the right to be so and yet why is it that I think I'm feeling that way! "You're being rediculous!" I scolded myself. LOL... "Come-on cut the crap!" :P

No point, I should better focus myself to a good thought instead.

Wait, come to think of it. My being jealous helps me to improve self-control - not bad I guess. But hey, I gotta stop this being bad small "j" all the time! It's a taboo in the bible! Geezzz..

Ok, I'm done!


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