Friday, September 26, 2008

hubbies & daddies around me...

A few weeks ago I had a short pep talk with my colleague from US, Steven, about how is he doing and how's his wife doing. This is just before our official business meeting agenda. I learned that his wife underwent some surgery few weeks back and that he has shared about some of the few errands he needed to do concerning the kids and ofcourse his wife. He has shared that he has to wake up early to drop the kids off to their school and same at the end of the day to pick them up just so to let the wifey rest and have that complete recovery from surgery. I thought that was admirable =)

I'm glad to hear that everything is fine as he declared.

A couple of days ago, another local colleague of mine happened to mention about what has recently happened to his wifey as well - she had a surgery somewhere in the uterus area. I saw the worries in Charlie's eyes and somehow can sense that he's troubled with what his wife is experiencing even up to this point that I'm writing it. He even complained saying "I cannot even hug her when we sleep because it hurts when she is squeezed because of the surgery". I just bursted out in a bit of laughter but then I thought that's a sweet statement coming from a guy for her wifey. =)

I felt sorry for him as he uttered those words lookin' at his face =(

Sometime last week, I hitched with Tani, a friend, on the way back home. He exclaimed, "I'm hungry! I wonder what's for dinner tonight and what did Ella cook for me?!" Ella, his full time wifey and mommy, is one close friend of mine as well. I've felt that excitement in him looking forward to go home and have that dinner cooked by her and ofcourse to be united with her and Andrei (the son) too. I'd say it's one ideal set-up for a family and Tani's excitement would delight Ella. =)

I thought I would be delighted to know that one as well if I'm in Ella's shoes :)

So what's the point of this blog? In everyday of our lives, one way or another we will encounter or experience a lot of things on the way. How often do we notice those stuffs that are really valuable and not valuable? Which one are we focusing ourselves then? For me, I try to observe, notice, and see things that would be helpful to develop more my character for the present and for the future.

On top of that, while it's a reality that there are hubbies and/or daddies that aren't so good and caring and all that (reality check), great and ideaL things still exist. Talk about being idealistic huh =P

PS: Check out my related blog entry about "Idealism 'n Realism":

Bye for now! Tata!

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