Saturday, January 31, 2009

the DRs of my DR events!

I had a cute time this morning when I ate a "Duck Rice" meal in Happy Cafe before going to church. The duck rice was good and talk about eating it in "happy" cafe made me smile. Alone in that cafe, I look around and stare at people with joy inside my heart. Feeling God's presence in me and telling me I'm not alone at all =) God is good! All the time! He's everywhere!

I'd say I've enjoyed it so much that triggered me to finally blog about the above! It has been weeks since I thought about it but the urge and mood wasn't really there so I procrastinated a bit.. sorry about that. lol. anyhow... here you go...

*the "Delayed Reaction" of my "Duck Rice" events!*

I can't really remember when was that but the first DR event I've well taken note of is when I had that duck rice lunch with two good friends, Siew Ching and Eugene somewhere in town. They've told me that it's where the BEST duck rice in town. We came from somewhere that we ended up eating our lunch there. The setting was simple yet gave me a powerful insight. I have been with these two for quite a lot of trips and all already but this duck rice lunch experience struck me and really hit me. I have observed the real importance of friendship in a BGR or Boy Girl Relationship so to speak. The two were very good good friends before they've decided to go to the next level of it, which is having a relationship. Ofcourse it was initiated by the man, Eugene and I remember how he really struggled (*peace*) during the time his feelings for her was really overwhelming and that he felt that it wasn't time to confess to her yet.... aside from the fact that there were "other" guys roaming around my girlfriend so to speak. Finally... he did.. just in time before Siew Ching can entertain other "friends" also... lol...

Friendship with opposite sex is very important in every "next level" of relationship that anybody can have. May it be going to a relationship of boyfriend-girlfriend up to moving one notch higher, which is marriage..I'd say the toughest one huh? Married people do you agree? :P

A couple of weeks back, another duck rice event made me realize a different dimension of friendship. It was a Sunday as well by the way. That Sunday, I was preparing to go to church when I received a text message from Shirley whether I wanna have breakfast first. I said ok and off we went. We didn't really know where are we eating then the idea of going to Happy Cafe came. There you go our heavy "Duck Rice" breakfast! Somehow, I can say that Shirley and I have a few similarities but the percentage of differences is indeed higher. However, I can say that we have this kind of friendship that is bonded through our inner hearts and with love.

Friendship doesn't necessarily mean you have the same likes all the time. What's important is you understand each other and that the common thing that you have is "love".

Duck rice is yummy! I hope to have more duck rice events! :))))))


Friday, January 30, 2009

B. U. S.Y.

I am reading a book specifically for great women who are in bullshit relationships. Ooppsss... pardon me for the word "BS" :P

I was on the quarter part of the book when I read about the below (and I quote the author for it :P)...... read on!

"I'm about to make a wild, extreme, and severe relationship rule: The word "busy" is a load of crap and is most often used by assholes. The word busy is the relationship Weapon of Mass Destruction. It seems like a good excuse, but in fact, in every silo you uncover, all you're going to find is a man who didn't care enough to call...." - Funny that this reminded me of my Host Manager who once shared to me that he will always call his wife the moment he has reached his destination and the moment he got back to the hotel everyday..whenever he's travelling, where ever! Admirable.

While the above statement is basically referring to BGR (this includes hubby and wifey ya), I guess the "busy" thingy can also be applied to any type of relationships possible may it be family, friends, and.. oh well.. depends on the level of relationship you have to anybody.

I remember that the word "busy" is dubbed as an acro for "Being Under Satans' Yoke". I can recall one email I've received talking about Satan giving commands to his legion to do all things that would make "humans" busy - the main goal? To destroy relationships! It's scary and I hate it!

That is why... whenever I, out of the blue, have used the word "busy" I feel convicted! LOL...

Anyways, I can totally agree with the above statement. That is why I always believe that wisdom and discernment are very important including our prioritization of "valuable" things not neglecting proper time management :)


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

indeed miracle..

I came home from work at about 11pm tonight. A friend chatted with me and asked why am I still online since it's a bit late already. I responded "checking some emails" and "expecting a miracle". Indeed, I got one in which I'm trying to apply thru blogging!

"You look sad, Becky" - This was the greeting of our Senior Pastor when we were done with our recent morning prayer. I was surprised to have heard that from him. I replied "really Pastor?". Then deep inside I whispered, "yeah...I think I am."

Way back... when I was helping out Pstr Mei in cooking for our Christmas eve CG Dinner.. I remember she mentioned to me about what Pstr Eddie has noticed with me lately. He noticed that I looked down and sort of out of focus. Well... I did my best to hide whatever that is inside of me but somehow, it is still showing.. maybe for a few who really knows the deeper "me". Talk about what I've felt in the "Vaguely Numb" blog huh! Anyways, I'm glad to know and feel that God is really walking with me in these times of "whatever"! The more I need to anchor and cling unto Him fully and just trust in Him completely, never letting Him go and asking Him to never let me go.

And so the miracle happened when I managed to read one regular "Devotional" I am receiving. It says.. I just simply need to WAIT upon God. The thing is... this waiting includes a LOT of stuffs like acceptance, admittance, transparency, and solitude. HHhmmm.. maybe I really really need solitude huh.. anyhow... I was relieved knowing that whatever this thing inside me is normal and I am somehow thankful that it's happening for me to rely MORE on God.

Anyways.. below is the link of it.. a bit long though but worth reading...Check it out!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Sharing with you all the below... You may or may not agree to some thoughts but at least, it'll give you some ideas....Enjoy and be blessed! :)

Desiderata (by Max Ehrmann, Copyright 1952)

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.Strive to be happy.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

she being cheeky.

one good friend told her that she's like a gold, hidden in a pot in a rainbow's end.
- hMmMmm..
she was flattered and delighted, then smiled.
- Ahahaha..
that same friend told her she deserves someone better
- eRrRrr..
she shook her head, 'coz she thinks that everyone deserves the "better" not just her! :)
- AhIhIhi..
her another friend blurted to have a very high expectation to her "man"
- KaBoOmb!
surprised as she is, asked herself how come she doesn't set any expectation for herself? well... it's more on "hoping" than "expecting" for her.
- hEhEhe..
expectation will disappoint you, hope will raise up your faith!
- & Etc..
people find her very strong and yet little they know...
- sheEsSsSss..
there's certain weaknesses inside her though.
- aHaHaYyyy..

enjoy! :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Love is blind? Love at first sight?

Talk about famous "one-liners", the above title are quite common and usual Imma say when one is inlove and trying to justify a few stuffs about how they feel- hey I'm talkin' about the love to opposite sex ok?! :P If I remember it right, I have used the above liners as well in my past

As far as I can remember, I have a few friends who don't really believe in the above thus they're sayin' about "liking" someone first only then love will develop. Now I think that makes sense. Liking in it's essence is one starter I should say, a reason to initiate things and proceed to some "level-up" move!

As Pastor Sam pointed us to the passage as per below in Philippians 1:9-11 during our today's morning prayer, I remember the below statement of one very dear friend I have (or had):

"I know her so well that I cannot fall inlove with her".

The above statement from time to time entertains my mind and somehow supports my... I should say now a more "matured" principle when it comes to "love", which is - Love is a decision and a choice!

"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God." - Philippians 1:9-11.

That's what the passage is saying... and Pastor Sam emphasized on the part of "in knowledge and depth insight" and then the rest of the verses follow. The "love is blind" liner emerged in relation to this and I added up the "love at first sight" thingy. He somewhat said that you cannot be blind if you have the knowledge and depth insight of the person whom you'll love or you love. I like the way he shifted the thought to the love of God and our love for God.

If you don't love God, you can love something or somebody, and that somebody could get you in trouble. In the same way in eating, if you don't eat nutritious food you can be eating junk food. Well, if we don't know how much God love us so much... we might end up doing things just to make other people love us... we might find love in the wrong places... ooppps!

So everyone, may your love abound more and more in knowledge and depth insight ya?

As for me? I earnestly pray that in times of loneliness, I will find comfort in Him! That in times of luke-warm temperature, I will always opt to be warm with Him! Always on-fire regardless of the weather deep within me.

Above all, I will always be reminded of how God loves me and that in any circumstances (for better or worst, etc. etc.) I will always be truly, madly, deeply inlove with Him! :)


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Play no more...

"Lord, I don't wanna play- play with a lot of girls anymore. I want to get serious with life already and get started with having my own family. Will you please show me the girl you've chosen for me?".

Kuya Jerry shared the above prayer to me when he was still here in Penang. It was about his turning point to quit playing "games" and get really serious with his life as a man and praying for his better half. Well... he was young then (if I'm not mistaken about 21 or 22 y/o) but perhaps his thinking was that matured already. He has shared to me that he's consider a bit "close-to-girls" so to speak and kinda did some play play Then he noticed Ate Irene.. and the rest is history =)

I am in the middle of lotsa workloads in the office when I suddenly remembered Kuya Jerry and his wife Ate Irene. We call our considered "older" brother kuya and A-te for the sister side (sometimes used for "lambing" aka "manja-manja"). They are both my closest when Kuya Jerry was still working here in Penang and eventually decided to to go back Manila to be with his family. By then, ate Irene was travelling back and forth to Penang and Manila to be with Kuya and at the same time to look after their teenager kids. It was from him that I have first heard of the "GPC" thingy. You know what's that right? :P (God's Perfect Choice). Oh well, I hope that everything is fine with both of them though...

It's amazing that in a man's life, this specific point of their lives do come - at least for quite a percentage, this is happening.. but I'd say probably not for all? :) If that happens - it's admirable =)

As of now, there are 2 men in my life - my dad and my brother. Ofcourse, my dad is out of this range already... my brother? Definitely yes. He's turning 19 this February and I wonder what's on his mind? Whenever I call home and speak to him, I used to tease and ask him..."so what are your plans in life?"... I can't remember any firm answer from him though and instead he will pass back the phone to my mom. Oh dear.. oh well.. that's why I always pray for my brother that he will come to a certain point of realization and contemplation of his life. How i wish I can really talk to him.. but not really..*sigh*

Guy-friends? Yes, I have a lot. Here, there, and everywhere. I am not sure if they all have plans though but I guess there should be and I do hope so :P

As for the women (I'm not gonna be bias, well..I've got some girlfriends who are saying they wanna enjoy their single lives to the fullest (sort of a playing mode also) but I guess majority are in the serious mode - like me

Don't wanna play no more....

How about you? do you wanna play no more?


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fasting to get engaged?

"I'm fasting to get engaged!" - I laughed out loud when I heard this from my sister as I talked to her when I called home this morning.

As I woke up looking forward to the Sunday church service, I decided to call my family back home in Manila. I talked to my mom, my niece Zyrille, and my sister Cecille.

It's gonna be the 7th birthday of Zyrille tomorrow so I greeted her in advance and explained to her that this year would be no kiddie party for her. I told her that she doesn't have to have party but instead, be thankful for whatever she has. She is still blessed to have shelter, to be able to eat everyday and is going to school everyday - I explained to her in the kiddiest possible I could!

Talked to my mom a bit and she has mentioned that my sis is in fasting mdoe. I eventually spoke to my sister. We did some "kamustahan" (how are you's?) and I teased her to ask what are the things she's fasting for. She has mentioned their church's prayer and fasting items then at the end blurted the first liner as per above. Then, I suddenly remember my first ex- bf's story when he proposed to his fiancee'. He fasted for a week and then propose to Jennifer and then she said yes! Hmmm.... should I do the same? No way I'm gonna propose man! I'm just gonna say "Yes!" LOL.

It was true that I bursted out in laughter but was stopped by my ownself when I realized that I have been praying for the same thing for quite some time already. She then asked what about me, what are my faith goals. I just simply answered, "i'm praying to get married!" (lol) then she asked when? I smiled. As she shared about her fasting items, she mentioned about their Pastor sharing his urge to pray for all the singles in their church. I told myself, "not bad huh... it's not just our church who are full of singles but others too" lol. Anyhow, she told me that their Pastor is praying for the singles to get married and his concern is about the next generation of families in the church - I was like wow!

Then I recalled my last week's one on one talk with Pstr Mei - a woman pastor of my current church. I can't really recall how we ended up talking about love, courtship, and marriage when in fact it wasn't my purpose of speaking to her.

"Funny huh, so many singles wanna get into marriage and yet they don't know that so many married people wanna get out of marriage". - I was shocked to have heard that then felt a bit scared about it. Well... not really scared that much though.

If I remember it right, I've been ready to get married and Imma say..I almost ended up marrying (hehe^^)... but somehow I believe God made a way for me not to.... yet..... well, single life has some advantages - it's a fact. I'd say..I'm just gonna enjoy it while waiting for GPC and GPT...God's Perfect Choice and God's Perfect Timing :)

"God always give the best to those who leave the choice to Him" - read this somewhere :P

Anyways... let me pray about whether I'll fast or not... anyhow.... i don't need to tell the whole world that I am on fasting if ever I am right? :P (Matthew 6:16)


Thursday, January 8, 2009

this i know...

"Though the sorrow may last for a night, His joy comes in the morning"!

While I admit, I was totally clueless how I felt last night right after our prayer drive in the FTZ zone area of Penang... I'm glad that this morning was a precise one - joy! Last night was horrible but a good friend really pacified me and stirred my hot plate deep within to at least have the heat evaporated! Thanks dew-peace, mwah!

Woke up the usual early morning hour at about 7am recalling the above scripture, made me smile and giggle. Grab my fave Book and read on some verses from the book of Acts and 1 Corinthians. Every morning, I always see to it that I stir myself in praying even just mentioning the names of anybody who would pop up my mind. Ofcourse, mainstay will be my family and people whom I'm very close with. Continued preparing myself for work and walked past through the taxi bay across the shopping complex nearby.

It was almost 9am and somehow I wasn't pissed off with the traffic I was experiencing. Without hesitation, I grabbed my Book to try to search which specific verse is the above. Well... I've ended up into a scripture that enhanced the emo. I currently have...

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. - James 1:2-4.

An unexplainable trial took place last night - a totally one of a kind, which makes it even harder for me 'coz I can't even pinpoint it..yaiks! freaky huh! =) and yet James is saying to consider it as pure joy.

Pure joy - this i know :)


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Vaguely numb...

I don't understand why such a vague numbness within.
The very emotion I hate every now and then.

"Why" and "how come" are the questions emerging,
Within my rational mind, I just can't imagine.

Frozen state that ends up to tears flowing
From the inner core of it, I dunno what's happening.

Oh please, deliver me from this I humbly plead.
With all due sincerity, I ask of Thee to lead.
