Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Two Ironies LateLy...

"Isn't it ironic...don't you think?" This is one line from Alanis Morissette's famous song, "Ironic".

It came to my attention that in between my interactions with some friends for the past couple of weeks, the topic of sharing and conversations captured a couple of ironies that are quite relative I may say. Let me share with you those stuffs then.

1st irony: to have or not to have distinction in treating a special someone.

I can say that I am uniquely and personally close to these two "local" friends. I'm glad how I've taken note of the sharings I had with them and vice-versa. I happened to ask a friend what is his distinction between a friend (or friends) and a special one whiLe chiLLin' sometime. I received quite a surprising answer that made my eyes opened as wide as it can! lol. No distinction, the only one would be the confession. That friend of mine believes that good things should be done for everybody - it makes sense. But then, I asked myself deep inside, "errr.. I'm not talking about good things though, I asked about distinction". Well, my friend reversed the gear a bit saying... there could be but it might be a bit indirect (or implicit?)... then I replied.."hmmm.. ok, alright". On a separate occasion, I had dinner with another friend whiLe talking about ministry stuffs. I didn't quite remember how we landed to a conversation whereby this friend said something like.."ofcourse she's special among friends so my treatment is different, there should be some distinction". Take note of the word "Ofcourse" huh! Errrr... more-over this friend even cited me as an example! Grrr.. "Like for instance, I simply buLLy you like that 'coz you're my friend" he bLurted.. or something like that. Then I just teased back.. so that means special someone cannot be bullied is it?. These 2 friends' commonalities? both are close to girls and both are from here (Malaysia :D). Irony: not to have or to have distinctions in treating a special someone -End of irony 1-

As for me, I will have a distinction! :P

2nd irony: propose marriage soon or not so soon?

I was quite shocked and became a little bit panicky when one of my "Pinoy" friends told me that he shall propose to his "about a month" old gf. I said, "that soon?!" Well... he has given me some strong statements to maybe somehow justified it (or was he justifying it at all to me? lolz). Somehow, I felt some firmness between those liners...but still implicitly gave him benefits of the doubt. Ofcourse, as a friend I'm concerned and gave him strong statements as well! And perhaps certain "thought-boggling" questions for him to consider. One liner that I've highlighted though is... Hasty decisions are not good! Only fools rush in! Errr.. for this kind of situations at least... and that "guys" are normally "fickLe-minded" *peace y'all!" I've honestly told him that my "says" are not to discourage him or something but instead to encourage him in making firm decisions and whatever it is, I'm cool to support him and help him in any way I can =) After about more than a couple of hours then, I remembered another friend, in which I've asked when is he going to propose to his long-time gf (i think more than 2- years already). He firmLy repLied to me, "not so soon!" I remember, I asked why? what are you waiting for? Well... he replied.. not until I get rich and give her everything she wants. Uhhmm.. there was a big question mark on my face hearing this (this is a spearate topic though). Commonalities here: both have their local chinese girlfriends and are from Pinas! Irony: propose marriage soon or not so soon - End of irony 2 -

My say? I am not reaLLy sure because I am a girL :P I personally believe that the guys should do the marriage proposal and that the girl should just hope and wait! LOL...

On a bird's eyeview and in totaLity? To each her/his own - we just need to listen to what God has to say about it and that is if we are keen enough to hear Him. NevertheLess, God will always be with us and that He is good, all the time!

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